Overview » 02_Anseriformes » » 10_Bar-headed Goose - Anser indicus


Bild 1 - 13 / 13

4871 x 3247 Px   _RM_190129_Q4A2018.jpg
29.01.2019 18:24:21
4871 x 3247 Px _RM_190129_Q4A2018.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Spain (Andalucia), adult
700 mm - f/6.3 - 1/160 sec - ISO 800 
3669 x 2446_Px _RM_171127_MG_0724.jpg
27.11.2017 14:23:02
3669 x 2446_Px _RM_171127_MG_0724.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult
4961 x 3307_Px _RM_171127_MG_0703.jpg
27.11.2017 14:18:57
4961 x 3307_Px _RM_171127_MG_0703.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult with hybrid Bar-headed x Greylag Goose and Greylag Geese
5472 x 3648_Px _RM_171127_MG_0699.jpg
27.11.2017 14:18:49
5472 x 3648_Px _RM_171127_MG_0699.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult with hybrid Bar-headed x Greylag Goose and Greylag Geese
3794 x 2529_Px _RM_120426_MG_3296.jpg
26.04.2012 18:48:27
3794 x 2529_Px _RM_120426_MG_3296.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult
5184 x 3456_Px _RM_120426_MG_3156.jpg
26.04.2012 17:32:13
5184 x 3456_Px _RM_120426_MG_3156.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult
5184 x 3456_Px _RM_120426_MG_3154.jpg
26.04.2012 17:32:04
5184 x 3456_Px _RM_120426_MG_3154.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Germany, adult
3217 x 2144_Px _RM_110426_MG_7646.jpg
26.04.2011 12:08:23
3217 x 2144_Px _RM_110426_MG_7646.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult
2480 x 3719_Px _RM_110426_MG_7630.jpg
26.04.2011 12:06:54
2480 x 3719_Px _RM_110426_MG_7630.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult
3888 x 2592_Px _RM_110426_MG_7594.jpg
26.04.2011 12:01:29
3888 x 2592_Px _RM_110426_MG_7594.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult
3746 x 2497_Px _RM_110426_MG_7592.jpg
26.04.2011 12:01:19
3746 x 2497_Px _RM_110426_MG_7592.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult
2255 x 3382_Px _RM_110426_MG_7555.jpg
26.04.2011 11:59:19
2255 x 3382_Px _RM_110426_MG_7555.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult
3888 x 2592_Px _RM_110426_MG_7543.jpg
26.04.2011 11:57:29
3888 x 2592_Px _RM_110426_MG_7543.jpg
Bar-headed Goose - Streifengans - Anser indicus, Austria, adult